Choose the Optimal Workspace for Your Business

We asked six entrepreneurs with drastically different office strategies for their advice on
choosing a workspace.

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Easy Theme Colors

There are 4 color themes (blue, green, red, orange) and this one is orange.

Change Icons

Check FontAwesome for your suitable icons. Example: <i class="fa fa-download"></i>

Pixel Perfect Design

Based on a 12 column grid system, with every pixel snapped.

Valid HTML5

We offer validated html files and well commented code on our themes.

Retina Ready

Incredibly clean design provides you powerful way to grow your business.

Special Thanks

Credit goes to Unsplash for images used in this template.

Our Lovely Portfolio

Everything you need to create a professional website.

Andy Colin - Architect

Thank you for all your good work in creating theme. They have a 'presence' which feels right.

Thomas Teddy - Design Writer

I love the logo. Particularly how the mark can stand on its own. Nice work! It feels tall and proud and powerful — and I love that. That's what I was after.

John Willy - Developer

You're pretty awesome to work with. Incredibly organized, easy to communicate with, responsive with next iterations, and beautiful work.

Meet our happy staff

Medigo is the automated way to keep track of what everyone is working on.

Marketing Manager

Amy Groovy

Duis vitae consequat neque. Nulla pharetra eleifend nulla.

Web Developer

Candy Sharp

Duis vitae consequat neque. Nulla pharetra eleifend nulla.

Graphic Designer

Linda Master

Duis vitae consequat neque. Nulla pharetra eleifend nulla.

Recent from our blog

Everything you need to create a professional website.